
The Cycle of Coalition: How Parties and Voters Interact under Coalition Governance. 2021. Cambridge University Press. [Reviewed in European Political Science, Party Politics, Perspectives on Politics, and Political Studies Review]

Voters' Perceptions of Party Brands. Forthcoming. Cambridge University Press. (With Thiago Nascimento da Silva and Laron K. Williams)

"The Economic Roots of Cross-National Similarity in Voter Preferences" Forthcoming. American Journal of Political Science (With Sebastian Juhl and Laron K. Williams) [Online Appendix]

"Do Women Make More Protectionist Trade Policy?" 2023. American Political Science Review 117(4): 1522-1530 (With Timm Betz and Diana Z. O'Brien) [Online Appendix]

"Public Support for Professional Legislatures." 2023. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 23(3): 327-339 (With Joshua McCrain and Kaylyn Jackson Schiff) [Online Appendix]

"The Politics of Police Data: State Legislative Capacity and the Transparency of State and Substate Agencies." 2023. American Political Science Review 117(1): 280-295 (With Scott J. Cook) [Online Appendix]

"Who do the people want to govern?" 2023. Party Politics 29(1): 3-15 (With John R. Hibbing, Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, and Matthew V. Hibbing)

"Allocating Costly Influence in Legislatures." 2022. Journal of Politics 84(3): 1697-1713 (With Tessa Provins and Nathan W. Monroe) [Online Appendix]

"Hurdles to Inference: The Demographic Correlates of Survey Breakoff and Shirking." 2022. Social Science Quarterly 103(2): 455-465 (With Matthew V. Hibbing and Tessa Provins)

"Legislative Capacity in Germany's Parliaments." 2022. Legislative Studies Quarterly 47(2): 309-328. (With Niels H. Appeldorn)

"From Events to Data: Politics and the Production of Government Records." 2022. The Political Economist 16(4): 15-19 (With Scott J. Cook) [editor reviewed]

"Party Government and Political Information." 2021. Legislative Studies Quarterly 46(2): 51-295. (With Randolph T. Stevenson)

"Race-Gender Bias in White Americans' Preferences for Gun Availability." 2021. Journal of Public Policy 41(4): 818-834. (With Matthew Hayes and Matthew V. Hibbing)

"Attributing Policy Influence under Coalition Governance." 2021. American Political Science Review 115(1): 252-268. (With Nick C. N. Lin, Mathias Wessel Tromborg, and Randolph T. Stevenson) [Online Appendix]

"Women's Descriptive Representation and Gendered Import Tax Discrimination." 2021. American Political Science Review 115(1): 307-315. (With Timm Betz and Diana Z. O'Brien) [Online Appendix]

"Legislative Scholars Should Study Extralegislative Outcomes." 2021. Legislative Studies Quarterly 46(1): 3-9.(Introduction to special issue; not peer reviewed)

"Agenda Control and Electoral Success in the U.S. House." 2020. British Journal of Political Science 50(4): 1583-1592. (With Nathan W. Monroe) [Online Appendix]

"Legislative Review and Party Differentiation in Coalition Governments." 2019. American Political Science Review 113(1): 242-247. [Online Appendix]

"Voters, Responsibility Attribution, and Support Parties in Parliamentary Democracies."2019. British Journal of Political Science 49(4): 1591-1601. (With Mathias Wessel Tromborg and Randolph T. Stevenson)

"Committee Chairs and Legislative Review in Parliamentary Democracies." 2019. British Journal of Political Science 49(2): 785-797. (With Lanny Martin and Georg Vanberg)

"The Electoral Implications of Coalition Policy Making." 2019. British Journal of Political Science 49(1): 59-80.[Online Appendix]

"Heuristics in Context." 2019 Political Science Research and Methods 7(2): 311-330. (With Randolph T. Stevenson) [Online Appendix]

"Cabinet Durability and Fiscal Discipline." 2018. American Political Science Review 112(4): 939-953. (With Matt W. Loftis)

"Legislative Capacity and Credit Risk." 2018. American Journal of Political Science 62(3): 623-636. (With Ian R. Turner) [Online Appendix]

"All Economics is Local: Spatial Aggregations of Economic Information." 2018. Political Science Research and Methods 6(3): 467-487. (With Clint S. Swift and Laron K. Williams)

"The Trump Draw: Voter Personality and Support for Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican Nomination Campaign." 2018. American Politics Research 46(5): 785-810. (With Matthew V. Hibbing and Jeffery J. Mondak)

"Compensation, Opportunity, and Information: A Comparative Analysis of Legislative Nonresponse in the American States." 2017. Political Research Quarterly 70(3): 644-656. (With Tessa Provins)

"Gamson's Law and Voters' Perceptions of Portfolio Allocation." 2017. European Journal of Political Research 56(4): 912-940. (With Nick C. N. Lin, Mathias Wessel Tromborg, and Randolph T. Stevenson)

"Context, Heuristics, and Political Knowledge: Explaining Cross-National Variation in Citizens' Left-Right Knowledge." 2016. Journal of Politics 78(4): 1211-1228. (With Randolph T. Stevenson and Greg Vonnahme)

"How Voters' Perceptions of Junior Coalition Partners Depend on the Prime Minister's Position." 2015. European Journal of Political Research 54(3): 601-621 (With Jim Adams)

"Can Easing Concealed-Carry Deter Crime?" 2015. Social Science Quarterly 96(4): 1071-108 [Online Appendix]

"Perceptions of Partisan Ideologies: The Effect of Coalition Participation." 2013. American Journal of Political Science 57(2): 459-477 (With Randolph T. Stevenson) [Online Appendix]

"Majority Status and Variation in Informational Organization." 2013. Journal of Politics 75(4): 937-952. [Online Appendix]

"Government Agenda-Setting and Bicameral Conflict Resolution." 2013. Political Research Quarterly 66(4): 937-950. (With Thomas König and Sven-Oliver Proksch) [Table of Bicameral Conflict Resolution Procedures]

"Performance Voting and Knowledge of Cabinet Composition." 2013. Electoral Studies 32(3): 517-523 (With Randolph T. Stevenson)